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mercoledì 14 settembre 2011

Home » » Radiant Silvergun(XBLA) - La video-recensione di IGN(9.0)

Radiant Silvergun(XBLA) - La video-recensione di IGN(9.0)

Il cult game del 1998 apparso la prima volta su Sega Saturn dopo 13 anni non ha perso una stilla della sua bellezza.

IGN Ratings for Radiant Silvergun (X360)
Rating Description
out of 10
8.5 Presentation
High-def and retro graphics, online multiplayer, and a handful of different game modes.
8.0 Graphics
The high-def visuals are slick, but there is no mistaking that this is a 1998 SEGA Saturn game. Still, it's easy on the eyes.
9.0 Sound
The fantastic, epic soundtrack will stay with you long after you turn your Xbox off.
9.0 Gameplay
Play it like a manic shooter or a puzzle game. Radiant Silvergun is very clever, offering more than your standard retro shooter.
9.0 Lasting Appeal
Since you're constantly upgrading your ship, you'll find yourself playing for much longer than you might normally play an arcade shooter.
(out of 10)
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